Smile Gallery

Our Smile Gallery showcases real transformations achieved by our team, highlighting the power of quality dental care. Here, you’ll find before-and-after photos that demonstrate how treatments like veneers, crowns, Invisalign, and cosmetic enhancements have helped our patients gain beautiful, confident smiles. Each image reflects our commitment to exceptional, personalized care and the positive impact it brings to our patients’ lives. Explore these inspiring results and imagine what’s possible for your own smile journey!

Dr.Kal showing a digital dental scan to a patient on a monitor.
Dr.Kal showing a digital dental scan to a patient on a monitor.

Crowns (Caps)


Front (left) Central tooth has a poor restoration. Does not look natural and is not contoured properly to match the gumline of the rest of the teeth.


Replaced with an All Porcelain Crown (no metal). Tooth is now contoured to match the rest of the gumline. Restored tooth looks very natural and matches the shape and color of the patient's teeth.


Patient needs a Single Tooth Replacent of one Upper Central Incisor.


Smile and function restored with a Single Implant and an All Porcelain Crown (Cap) that fits securely over the implant.


Patient needs Upper and Lower Arch Rehabilitation.


Great smile, chewing function, and facial tissue support possible with an Upper Denture that is supported with Implants and Lower Implants and Crowns

Porcelain Crowns (Caps)


Patient needs Upper Arch Rehabilitation. Presents with Upper Anterior teeth that are stained, incisal edges (tooth edge) are worn down and chipped, and gumline recession is present.


Smile restored with placement of 8 Upper All Porcelain Crowns (Caps). Gumline and incisal edges are now uniform. Patient now has longer, better shaped teeth to enhance the smile line and aid in chewing/biting function.


Patient has 4 Upper Anterior Crowns (caps) that are poor in color and shape.


Smile restored and enhanced with 4 Upper Anterior All Porcelain Crowns. The color/shade matches the patients natural enamel and the two Central Incisors were lengthened to create a more natural smile.

Fixed Bridges


3 Unit bridge with chipped porcelain molar (supporting metal showing on molar tooth), poor enamel color match to patient's natural teeth, and poor fit around the patient's gumline.


Replaced Bridge with an All Porcelain Bridge. The new bridge now also matches the patient's natural tooth color and was designed to properly fit around the gumline. Proper fit aids in decreasing decay and the ease of the patient's ability to clean around a bridge.

Alpha Dental Logo on the Background
Alpha Dental Logo on the Background
Alpha Dental office reception area with wooden desk and decorative lighting.

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Alpha Dental office reception area with wooden desk and decorative lighting.

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We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office or use the quick contact form below.

Alpha Dental office reception area with wooden desk and decorative lighting.

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We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office or use the quick contact form below.